A pond is an important decorative element of a garden, which has the greatest effect on the owners and guests. The water surface is calming. But if you want to enjoy the murmur of water on your site, you can dig a stream running to the pond, or even build a waterfall.

When creating a pond, you should remember that it should decorate the site, make it picturesque. But do not forget that a reservoir is a whole system that not only improves the site, but also functions successfully from year to year. Mistakes in the construction of a pond lead to the fact that the water begins to bloom, mud forms, and an unpleasant odor appears. To avoid this, contact specialists.

The designer begins work by choosing a place for the pond. The reservoir should fit into the surrounding landscape and complement it with new colors, but not stand out from the overall composition. A good pond is one that can be seen during a walk in the garden or from the windows of the house, because it is created for people. Therefore, the option of its location in a remote part of the garden is most often a losing one. It is worth paying attention to the presence of trees near the pond, in the fall their leaves will fall into the water and rot. If you plan to create a large reservoir, then you need to provide access for equipment to the work site, if small - decide where to use the dug soil (one option is to use it when building cascades).

Having dug the pond bowl, the water level in it is outlined. And based on this, a drainage overflow is made in the right place. The flow of water into the pond can be ensured by creating a stream or even a cascade. In addition, at the stage of creating the bowl, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the earth's surface, plan the placement of equipment, think over the design of the site around the pond. A minor error in calculations can lead to significant expenses and loss of time.

If you plan to launch fish into the pond, then you need to prepare it in a special way. Water from wells (they are used when building reservoirs outside the city) contains trivalent iron, when it gets into the pond, the amount of oxygen here drops sharply. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of creating a stream in advance, the water in which contains a lot of oxygen and does not allow fish to die.

The next stage of work is to lay the waterproofing. With all the variety of modern types of waterproofing (butyl rubber, PVC, liquid rubber), the best choice is a solid film (it is presented on the market even in such a large size as 15 by 30 meters). For a small pond, it is enough to use a PVC film: it is functional and durable. To protect the film from mechanical damage, it is covered with two layers of geotextile.

In the case when groundwater is near the surface, it fills the bowl, and the waterproofing floats up. Therefore, it is necessary to pump out the water, decorate the insulation with pebbles and quickly fill the pond in order to equalize the pressure. Having overcome all the difficulties and laid the waterproofing, we proceed to planting plants.

For these purposes, we use special soil, which we fill on the bottom. To prevent the soil from floating, place a layer of sand on top, and then gravel (sand is prone to erosion). After filling the pond with water, lake and coastal plants are planted in niches at different depths. The main difficulty is to carefully move the sand and place the roots of the plants in the soil before it floats.
After finishing the work on the pond, you can add new elements to the water composition. Gazebos, platforms and platforms go well with ponds, the interior of which is recommended to be diversified with furniture and other interesting, and possibly functional details.

In the first year, the new pond will definitely bloom, since the water will contain a lot of nutrient salts, and they will ensure the growth of algae. Cleaning the water with filters in the first year does not make sense. With the onset of cold weather, the water in the pond will become transparent. Thanks to the work of filters and skimmers (they take water for the purpose of its subsequent purification), as well as the fact that the plants will become larger, the water will acquire a characteristic yellowish tint. Now you can say with confidence that you have a corner of living nature on your site.

Of course, with a pond in the garden there will be more worries: you will have to remove fallen leaves and garbage from the surface of the pond, periodically clean the filters, add special substances that maintain the chemical composition of the water. Also, from time to time you need to invite a pond care specialist who will monitor its condition, plant plants and clean the bottom every few years. But still, the main thing is the creation of the pond. After all, it is at the stage of construction of the pond that its further successful functioning and development should be envisaged.

Contact professionals - this will save your time, nerves and money.